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Farm Laws 2020; a detailed journey Hello everyone, here I am going to discuss the 3 recent controversial farm laws in details, passed by the parliament, and their validity in the eyes of law. At first I will be dealing with constitutionality of these acts and then a brief analysis of the provisions of these acts, limitations and at last I have proposed some suggestions. Irrespective of the various debates or views of politicians and leaders, I would like to focus on insights of these farm laws of agriculture from legal perspective. Constitutionality of 3 Farm Acts- What do you mean by constitutionality? Well, constitutionality means any law passed by the legislation must be in accordance with the constitution and if there is any inconsistency as a whole or any part of in derogation of the fundamental rights shall be void to the extent of such contravention under Article 13. [1] The Honorable Supreme Court over the years, to examine the constitutionality of any act, had applied different tests on